You Are Amazing!
Thank you for taking the time to read and share my website, my Blog. I am appreciative of your time. What drives me to share my thoughts with you is simple. My quest is to achieve superior health for myself and all who want to share the goal. What keeps me going and what I hope will inspire you as well, are (3) quotes. I have adapted them into my life and for this site.
- “When the diet is Wrong, Medicine is of no Use. When the Diet is Correct, Medicine is of No Need” Ayurvedic Proverb
- “Let Food be thy Medicine, and let Medicine be thy Food” Hippocrates
- “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14 niv
And, with that in mind it gives me great pleasure to share with you why you are so Amazing. Some of you may already know this information I am about to present. Some of you may be seeing it for the first time. With these quotes in mind, I have pulled some Facts from the Internet to share with you. Please indulge me while I share how Amazing You are:
⦁ You were one of 100,000 possible eggs that was chosen.
⦁ Your father’s sperm traveled with 300 million others but only one shared in your creation.
⦁ During the first 30 Days, your new home filled up with water (amniotic sac). You lived in there for 9 months
⦁ The during your first 60 days your Heart (circulatory system) was established and could be detected.
⦁ By the end 3 Months you were fully formed, but your gender was not detected
⦁ Of the 206 Bones in your body the majority of them are in your feet and hands.
⦁ Whatever God gave you Two of, you can live with just One of them (ex. kidneys, eyes, arms,etc)
⦁ There are more than 100,000 ⦁ miles of blood vessels in your body.
⦁ Your tongue print is as unique as your finger print
⦁ Did you know, you can’t breathe & swallow at the same time?
⦁ If you were to touch the gastric juice in your stomach you would have 3rd Degree burns
⦁ Your Facial skin cells are replaced every 28 Days
⦁ Your red blood cells are replaced every 4-6 weeks
⦁ The Body is always doing something. Building Up or Tearing Down.
⦁ You will shed 600,000 particles of skin every hour
⦁ Your awake brain produces enough electricity to light a light bulb
⦁ About four pounds of your current weight is bacteria
⦁ Your cancer cells live with you. You can feed them or destroy them.
⦁ When you Blush, the inside of your stomach does too
⦁ Your eyes are the only visible part of your brain
⦁ There are 23 Discs in the Vertebrae, 23 chromosomes from each parent for your 46
⦁ When listening to music your heartbeat will sync with the rhythm
⦁ Everything you have ever seen or heard has been recorded in your brain
⦁ Critical physical repairs are being performed between 10 pm and 2 am. Go to Sleep!
⦁ The brain removes info that is no longer needed while you sleep
⦁ Your heart will beat more than 3 Billion times in your life span
⦁ A Kiss can increase your pulse to 100 beats per minute or more
Thank you for your Time, there’s so much more to share. Explore information of this Amazing Human Body.
“Go to the Source”