Why Can’t I Lose those 10-20 Pounds?
Why I Can’t Lose those 10-20 Pounds?
How much Do I weigh? That’s impossible, I don’t eat that much! How could this have happen? I’ve never had a weight problem. I eat the same food I have always eaten. I drink the same drinks, coffee, tea, juice, soda. You think there’s something in the food? Is it me or does Food just taste better? What if there is some explanation for this weight gain. Why does that weight always seems to enter from the back door! Have you ever told yourself, “I’ll just have a few or just a small piece” and before you know it, you’ve eaten the whole thing!
As Americans are we eating more and getting bigger? Has access to affordable foods and more selections made it easier for us to buy more and eat more? We dine out more than our ancestors for sure. Portion sizes are larger. Packaged and prepared food is readily available. Food service companies are willing to prepare and deliver food to our homes and workplaces.
We seem to have more activities surrounding food, i.e. Birthdays, sport events, anniversaries, promotions, graduations, retirements, weddings, funerals, baby showers, whew! We are Busy.
But, you know, I used to be able to curb my appetite, not any more. I once had a friend and confidant, his name, “Will Power”. In my 20’s he was there when I said I needed to lose five pounds by Friday. He was there when others laughed or scoffed at my loosely held belief of reaching that goal.
But, together Will and I could fight any temptation set before us. Diet soda, coffee and artificial sweetener was the rule. Dinner, snacks, no thank you, was the word. Without fail by Friday, Bam! Five pounds Gone! I sure have missed Will. Maybe you had a friend like him. It’s been years since we’ve spoken. Unfortunately, Will had gone the way of many other friends; we just lost contact over the years. I never expected to hear from him again. I figured, why not try to reach out to him, for old times sake. Well, Will is alive and well. He said he had been waiting for my call. He said, he understands,”Life happens; we get busy, new job, spouse, kids and Parents, you know”.
The conversation went like this, Will said, “I saw you and so many others struggling. I’m glad you contacted me. I need All of you to know, it’s not entirely your fault. Did you know food additives and preservatives have been trying (since the 70’s) to replace me and with great Success!” What? He said, “the truth must be told and the information must go out as soon as possible”.
The research began. As it turns out the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allowed Food Producers to use additives to enhance flavor, increase shelf life and make the appearance of food more palatable. It began with a few products, but as the demand and consumption of certain foods increased so has the use of additives. If the food tastes better, we Buy more, Eat More! We have been consuming additives (I use the term loosely) that our Grandmother’s would not have recognized nor would they be able to pronounce.
Their (Food Producers) List
According to Healthline, internet magazine, these food product additives in the American diet are most likely to promote Weight Gain? Here are the most common food additives:
Grandmother’s Food Additive List:
Salt & pepper Vinegar Dill, Garlic Cloves
Nutmeg Lemons/Limes Peppers Coriander
Bay leaf Cinnamon Onions Seasoned Salt
I will be exploring and reporting on most of these Ingredients in the very near future. I just want you to be aware that, ‘It’s not your Fault’! You never received the Memo. Look for the upcoming issues.
What can you do Now? Read the Ingredients on the Package. If you can’t pronounce it, put it back on the Shelf!
Look at your shopping cart. If it has more Boxes, packages, bottles than fresh food, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your Choices. It is not my intention to go to war with Food Manufacturers. What I want to do is to get enough of us asking for better product information and less use of harmful additives. What’s the thought process behind poisoning your profit potential-the Consumer? There is a price to pay for any/all decisions. The toll for this new way of life may be catching up with us in an unhealthy way. There’s More to come. Leave a message.©
“Go to the Source” Data Collection
⦁ Nearly 38 percent of U.S. adults are obese, according to the latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Between 2013 and 2014, 37.7 percent of U.S. adults had a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, which is considered obese, according to a new CDC report. That’s up from an obesity rate of 34.9 percent in 2011 to 2012.
⦁ Between 2015 and 2030, the Institute for Alternative Futures (IAF) Diabetes Model projects that the total number of people with type 2 and type 1 diabetes will increase by 19,629,000 to 54,913,000 people, a 54% increase.
⦁ https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/common-food-additives
⦁ https://www.livescience.com/52767-us-obesity-rates-2014.html
⦁ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,cdc.gov
⦁ https://youtu.be/Cyb_wAOFHiY The 5 Worst Artificial Food Additives And How To Eliminate Them
US National Library of Medicine ⦁ National Institutes of Health Diabetes 2030: Insights from Yesterday, Today, and Future Trends